URI Online Judge | 1009 Salary with Bonus Solve with source code

URI Online Judge | 1009
Salary with Bonus
Adapted by Neilor Tonin, URI  Brazil

Timelimit: 1

Make a program that reads a seller's name, his/her fixed salary and the sale's total made by himself/herself in the month (in money). Considering that this seller receives 15% over all products sold, write the final salary (total) of this seller at the end of the month, with two decimal places.

- Don’t forget to print the line's end after the result, otherwise you will receive “Presentation Error”.

- Don’t forget the blank spaces.

The input file contains a text (employee's first name), and two double precision values, that are the seller's salary and the total value sold by him/her.

Print the seller's total salary, according to the given example.


                    seller_name = input()
                   salary = float(input())
                   sale = float(input())

                   TOTAL = .15*sale+salary
                   print("TOTAL = R$ %.2f"%TOTAL)


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